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NAME - Static variable in class nxt.blockchain.Bundler.MinFeeCalculator
name(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CreatePollCall
name(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DgsListingCall
name(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.IssueAssetCall
name(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.IssueCurrencyCall
name(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.SetAccountInfoCall
name(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.UploadTaggedDataCall
name(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.VerifyTaggedDataCall
NAME_RW - Static variable in class nxt.account.AccountInfoAttachment
NAME_RW - Static variable in class
NAME_RW - Static variable in class nxt.lightcontracts.ContractReferenceAttachment
NAME_RW - Static variable in class
nativeSQL(String) - Method in class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
NEGATION_OPERATOR - Static variable in class nxt.util.BooleanExpression
NetworkHandler - Class in nxt.peer
The network handler creates outbound connections and adds them to the network selector.
NetworkMessage - Class in nxt.peer
NetworkMessage represents the messages exchanged between peers.
NetworkMessage.AddPeersMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The AddPeers message is sent to a peer to update its peer list and it is also returned as an asynchronous response to the GetPeers message Peer list
NetworkMessage.BlockchainStateMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The BlockchainState message is sent when blockchain state changes.
NetworkMessage.BlockIdsMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The BlockIds message is returned in response to the GetNextBlockIds message.
NetworkMessage.BlockInventoryMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The BlockInventory message is sent when a peer has received a new block.
NetworkMessage.BlocksMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The Blocks message is returned in response to the GetBlock and GetNextBlocks message.
NetworkMessage.BundlerRateMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The BundlerRate message is periodically broadcast when the peer has one or more active bundlers.
NetworkMessage.CumulativeDifficultyMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The CumulativeDifficulty message is returned in response to the GetCumulativeDifficulty message.
NetworkMessage.ErrorMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The Error message is returned when a error is detected while processing a request.
NetworkMessage.GetBlockMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The GetBlock message is sent when a peer is notified that a new block is available.
NetworkMessage.GetCumulativeDifficultyMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The GetCumulativeDifficulty message is sent to a peer to get the current blockchain status.
NetworkMessage.GetInfoMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The GetInfo message is exchanged when a peer connection is established.
NetworkMessage.GetMilestoneBlockIdsMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The GetMilestoneBlockIds message is sent when a peer is downloading the blockchain.
NetworkMessage.GetNextBlockIdsMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The GetNextBlockIds message is sent when a peer is downloading the blockchain.
NetworkMessage.GetNextBlocksMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The GetNextBlocks message is sent when a peer is downloading the blockchain.
NetworkMessage.GetPeersMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The GetPeers message is sent to a peer to request a list of connected peers.
NetworkMessage.GetTransactionsMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The GetTransactions message is sent to retrieve one or more transactions.
NetworkMessage.GetUnconfirmedTransactionsMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The GetUnconfirmedTransactions message is sent to retrieve the current set of unconfirmed transactions.
NetworkMessage.MilestoneBlockIdsMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The MilestoneBlockIds message is returned in response to the GetMilestoneBlockIds message.
NetworkMessage.TransactionsInventoryMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The TransactionsInventory message is sent when a peer has received new transactions.
NetworkMessage.TransactionsMessage - Class in nxt.peer
The Transactions message is returned in response to the GetTransactions and GetUnconfirmedTransactions messages.
NEW_ACCOUNT_FEE - Static variable in interface nxt.blockchain.Fee
NewAccountFaucet - Class in com.jelurida.ardor.contracts
NewAccountFaucet() - Constructor for class com.jelurida.ardor.contracts.NewAccountFaucet
NewAccountFaucet.Params - Interface in com.jelurida.ardor.contracts
newClientRequestContentTransformer(HttpServletRequest, Request) - Method in class nxt.http.APIProxyServlet
newEntity(DbKey) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.Factory
newEntity(DbKey) - Method in class nxt.db.EntityDbTable
newEventId(long, byte[], Chain) - Static method in class nxt.account.AccountLedger
newEventId(Transaction) - Static method in class nxt.account.AccountLedger
newEventId(Block) - Static method in class nxt.account.AccountLedger
newHttpClient() - Method in class nxt.http.APIProxyServlet
newKey(T) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.Factory
newKey(ResultSet) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.Factory
newKey(ResultSet) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashHashKeyFactory
newKey(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashHashKeyFactory
newKey(byte[], long, byte[], long) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashHashKeyFactory
newKey(ResultSet) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashHashLongKeyFactory
newKey(byte[], byte[], long) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashHashLongKeyFactory
newKey(byte[], long, byte[], long, long) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashHashLongKeyFactory
newKey(ResultSet) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashKeyFactory
newKey(byte[]) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashKeyFactory
newKey(byte[], long) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashKeyFactory
newKey(ResultSet) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashLongKeyFactory
newKey(byte[], long) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashLongKeyFactory
newKey(byte[], long, long) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.HashLongKeyFactory
newKey(ResultSet) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.LongIntKeyFactory
newKey(long, int) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.LongIntKeyFactory
newKey(ResultSet) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.LongKeyFactory
newKey(long) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.LongKeyFactory
newKey(ResultSet) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.LongLongKeyFactory
newKey(long, long) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.LongLongKeyFactory
newKey(ResultSet) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.LongStringKeyFactory
newKey(long, String) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.LongStringKeyFactory
newKey(ResultSet) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.StringKeyFactory
newKey(String) - Method in class nxt.db.DbKey.StringKeyFactory
newProxyResponseListener(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class nxt.http.APIProxyServlet
newServerResponseContentTransformer(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Response) - Method in class nxt.http.APIProxyServlet
newTransactionBuilder(byte[], long, long, short, Attachment) - Method in class nxt.blockchain.Chain
newTransactionBuilder(byte[], long, long, short, Attachment) - Method in class nxt.blockchain.ChildChain
newTransactionBuilder(byte[], long, long, short, Attachment) - Method in class nxt.blockchain.FxtChain
newTransactionBuilder(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.blockchain.TransactionImpl
newTransactionBuilder(byte[], JSONObject) - Static method in class nxt.blockchain.TransactionImpl
newTransactionBuilder(JSONObject) - Static method in class nxt.blockchain.TransactionImpl
newTransactionBuilder(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
newTransactionBuilder(JSONObject) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
newTransactionBuilder(byte[], JSONObject) - Static method in class nxt.Nxt
next() - Method in class nxt.db.DbIterator
next() - Method in class nxt.db.FilteringIterator
nextBoolean() - Method in interface nxt.addons.RandomnessSource
nextBoolean() - Method in class nxt.addons.ReproducibleRandomness
nextBytes(byte[]) - Method in interface nxt.addons.RandomnessSource
nextBytes(byte[]) - Method in class nxt.addons.ReproducibleRandomness
nextDouble() - Method in interface nxt.addons.RandomnessSource
nextDouble() - Method in class nxt.addons.ReproducibleRandomness
nextFloat() - Method in interface nxt.addons.RandomnessSource
nextFloat() - Method in class nxt.addons.ReproducibleRandomness
nextInt() - Method in interface nxt.addons.RandomnessSource
nextInt(int) - Method in interface nxt.addons.RandomnessSource
nextInt() - Method in class nxt.addons.ReproducibleRandomness
nextInt(int) - Method in class nxt.addons.ReproducibleRandomness
nextLong() - Method in interface nxt.addons.RandomnessSource
nextLong() - Method in class nxt.addons.ReproducibleRandomness
NO_COST_ORDER - Static variable in class nxt.http.JSONResponses
NO_ERROR - Static variable in interface nxt.http.responses.ErrorResponse
NO_MESSAGE - Static variable in class nxt.http.JSONResponses
NO_PASSWORD_IN_CONFIG - Static variable in class nxt.http.JSONResponses
NO_TRADES_FOUND - Static variable in class nxt.http.JSONResponses
NO_VOTE_VALUE - Static variable in class nxt.Constants
nonce(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.CurrencyMintCall
nonce(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.DecryptFromCall
nonce(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetSharedKeyCall
NONE - Static variable in interface nxt.blockchain.Fee
nonPhasedOnly(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBlockchainTransactionsCall
not(BooleanExpression.Value) - Static method in enum nxt.util.BooleanExpression.Value
NOT_ENOUGH_ASSETS - Static variable in class nxt.http.JSONResponses
NOT_ENOUGH_CURRENCY - Static variable in class nxt.http.JSONResponses
NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDS - Static variable in class nxt.http.JSONResponses
NOT_FORGING - Static variable in class nxt.http.JSONResponses
NOT_INITIALIZED - Static variable in interface nxt.configuration.Setup
NotCurrentlyValidException(String) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException.NotCurrentlyValidException
NotCurrentlyValidException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException.NotCurrentlyValidException
notify(Block) - Method in class nxt.freeze.AbstractFreezeBlockHandler
notify(Block) - Method in class nxt.migration.HoldingMigrateBlockEventHandler
notify(Block) - Method in class nxt.migration.SaveHoldingSnapshotListener
notify(T) - Method in interface nxt.util.Listener
notify(T, Enum<E>) - Method in class nxt.util.Listeners
notifyListeners(List<? extends Transaction>, TransactionProcessor.Event) - Method in class nxt.blockchain.TransactionProcessorImpl
NotNullClause(String) - Constructor for class nxt.db.DbClause.NotNullClause
notPaymentTransaction() - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractOperationContext
Returns true if the trigger transaction is not a send money transaction
notSameChain(int) - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractOperationContext
Returns true if the chain id is not equal to the trigger transaction chain id
notSameRecipient() - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractOperationContext
Returns true if the trigger transaction recipient is not the same account as the contract runner account in other words, returns true if the trigger transaction specified a different recipient than this contract runner account
notSameSender() - Method in class nxt.addons.AbstractOperationContext
Returns true if the trigger transaction sender is not the same account as the contract runner account in other words, returns true if the trigger transaction was submitted by a different sender than this contract runner account
NotValidException(String) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException.NotValidException
NotValidException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException.NotValidException
NotYetEnabledException(String) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException.NotYetEnabledException
NotYetEnabledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException.NotYetEnabledException
NotYetEncryptedException(String) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException.NotYetEncryptedException
NotYetEncryptedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException.NotYetEncryptedException
NullClause(String) - Constructor for class nxt.db.DbClause.NullClause
NullContractRunnerConfig - Class in nxt.addons
NullContractRunnerConfig(String) - Constructor for class nxt.addons.NullContractRunnerConfig
NullRoleMapper() - Constructor for class nxt.authentication.RoleMapperFactory.NullRoleMapper
nullToEmpty(String) - Static method in class nxt.util.Convert
nullToEmpty(byte[][]) - Static method in class nxt.util.Convert
nullToEmpty(long[]) - Static method in class nxt.util.Convert
nullToZero(Long) - Static method in class nxt.util.Convert
numberOfConfirmations(int) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetBlockchainTransactionsCall
numberOfConfirmations(int) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetExecutedTransactionsCall
numberOfConfirmations(int) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.GetGuaranteedBalanceCall
numBlocks(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.PopOffCall
numBlocks(String) - Method in class nxt.http.callers.ScanCall
nxt - package nxt
Nxt - Class in nxt
nxt.account - package nxt.account
nxt.addons - package nxt.addons
nxt.addons.taxreport - package nxt.addons.taxreport - package
nxt.aliases - package nxt.aliases
nxt.authentication - package nxt.authentication
nxt.blockchain - package nxt.blockchain
nxt.blockchain.chaincontrol - package nxt.blockchain.chaincontrol
nxt.ce - package nxt.ce
nxt.configuration - package nxt.configuration
nxt.crypto - package nxt.crypto
nxt.db - package nxt.db
nxt.db.pool - package nxt.db.pool
nxt.dbschema - package nxt.dbschema
nxt.dgs - package nxt.dgs
nxt.env - package nxt.env
nxt.env.service - package nxt.env.service
nxt.freeze - package nxt.freeze
nxt.http - package nxt.http
nxt.http.callers - package nxt.http.callers
nxt.http.proxy - package nxt.http.proxy
nxt.http.responses - package nxt.http.responses
nxt.lightcontracts - package nxt.lightcontracts
nxt.messaging - package nxt.messaging
nxt.migration - package nxt.migration - package - package
nxt.peer - package nxt.peer
nxt.shuffling - package nxt.shuffling
nxt.taggeddata - package nxt.taggeddata - package
nxt.util - package nxt.util
nxt.util.bbh - package nxt.util.bbh
ByteBufferHelper. - package - package
NXT_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class nxt.Nxt
NXT_INSTALLER_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class nxt.Nxt
NXT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class nxt.Nxt
NxtException - Exception in nxt
NxtException() - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException
NxtException(String) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException
NxtException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException
NxtException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException
NxtException.AccountControlException - Exception in nxt
NxtException.ExistingTransactionException - Exception in nxt
NxtException.InsufficientBalanceException - Exception in nxt
NxtException.NotCurrentlyValidException - Exception in nxt
NxtException.NotValidException - Exception in nxt
NxtException.NotYetEnabledException - Exception in nxt
NxtException.NotYetEncryptedException - Exception in nxt
NxtException.NxtIOException - Exception in nxt
NxtException.StopException - Exception in nxt
NxtException.ValidationException - Exception in nxt
NxtIOException(String) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException.NxtIOException
NxtIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception nxt.NxtException.NxtIOException
NxtLogManager - Class in nxt.util
Java LogManager extension for use with Nxt
NxtLogManager() - Constructor for class nxt.util.NxtLogManager
Create the Nxt log manager We will let the Java LogManager create its shutdown hook so that the shutdown context will be set up properly.
nxtNodeAddress() - Method in interface com.jelurida.ardor.contracts.ForgingReward.Params
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